Good Week/Bad Week in Branding


Good Week: Ralph Lauren. American fashion icon steps down from the CEO role at his eponymous company and brings in Stefan Larsson, the man behind the explosive growth of both the Old Navy and H&M brands. Ralph stays on as creative director in one of the best-orchestrated succession moves in a while. Stylish, indeed.

Bad Week: Lockheed-Martin. NASA gives the aerospace/defense giant an early and unexpected exit from the multi-billion-dollar competition to ship cargo to the International Space Station, according to the Wall Street Journal. This is the equivalent of Duke getting bounced in the first round of the NCAA tourney.

Worse Week: T-Mobile announces that as many as 15 million people who submitted credit applications may have had their information stolen as a result of a security breach at credit-repository goliath Experian. Data mobility? Good. Credit data mobility? Um…